Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Memo: Field Trip, Pitch and Grades

Today our Holiday Family service project came to an end. Incredibly, we raised 1916.68. The money was used to purchase gifts and gift cards to make this time of year special for our family. We appreciate all of the encouragement, effort and help that you gave in our endeavor. Here is a picture that we took this morning of the team and all of the gifts for our family.

Tomorrow is Pitch Day for our 20% Time projects. Nearly all of the kids are ready with their materials and we think that tomorrow will be an exceptional learning experience. We know that we have a lot of great project ideas and we are excited that some of the central office staff and building principals will get a chance to see them. 

We are going on our field trip to see Interstellar on Friday. The entire seventh grade is going and it should be a great learning experience in a comfortable environment.

Grades for first semester close on Friday. Kids should check SIS to make sure they are not missing anything and if they are, they should turn it in as soon as possible. We know that this is the last week of school before break, but we still keep on learning up until the last minute.

Registration for Hixson’s Trivia Night is now open! You can print the registration form or pay online by visiting the trivia night’s website: We hope to see you on February 7th!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Memo: Holiday Family, 20% Time, and Field Trips

We are in the final stretch of our Holiday Family service project. We have collected 1793.38 so far and all of our fundraising ends next Monday, 12/15. The kids have done an extraordinary job and they have stated that they are not finished yet; they plan to make one final push during this last week.

We are going to Ronnie's Theater on December 19 for the showing of Interstellar. We would love to have chaperons on this trip but...chaperons would have to pay the $6.00 entrance fee on this one. The field trip form link is in the previous blog post (scroll down). Deadline for permission slips is this Friday.

Grades close next Friday, December 19. These grades are the permanent, semester grades. We have been encouraging all of the kids to check their grades and get in any missing work. We are here before and after school everyday until next Friday.

Next Tuesday, 12/16, is Pitch Day for 20% Time projects. Kids will "pitch" their project ideas to a committee of educators in order to get feedback about their project idea and process. Some of the committee members are Dr. Riss, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Smith, Dr. McGee, Dr. Gilb, Dr. Roberts, Jill Right and Tim Brown.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday Memo: Field Trip and Family

Next Tuesday, December 9, we are going to see the movie "Interstellar" at Ronnie's Plaza. The permission slip is linked HERE. We would like to have permission slips turned in by this Friday and if any of you would like to go as a chaperon, please let Melissa know ( The cost of the trip is 10.00. We had mentioned this trip last month and we were finally able to make it happen. There is a link HERE explaining why the movie is PG-13. Paper copies of the permission slip will be coming home as well.

Our holiday family collection is going beautifully. We are currently at 1380.00 and, since the kids believe we will meet our 1500.00 goal this week, have decided to push for more. They are now trying to crack the 2000.00 threshold. If they are able to reach this new goal, they will be one of the five most successful Harmony Teams in terms of collecting.

Kids are gearing up for their 20% Time project pitches. Pitch Day is an exciting day for the kids as they get to show their idea and the thinking behind their idea, to a committee of adults. They will receive a lot of feedback about their ideas and, when Pitch Day is over, they will be off and running on their 20% Time projects.

Semester grades close on December 19. These grades are the final, permanent first semester grades. We are encouraging kids to check their grades and make sure that they know if they need to make up any assignments.