Friday, March 27, 2015

A 3D Doodle Pen Grant

We are putting one last grant on This grant is for a 3D Doodle Pen. Since we have gotten our 3D Printer, we have been using it quite a bit to print out our ideas. Some things cannot be 3D printed on the printer and a few of the kiddos want to freehand their 3D idea. Therefore, we put up our grant. We had two DonorsChoose gift cards that we applied to the grant and so all that we need now is 98.00. If our donors give using the doubling code SPARK, then we only need 49.00 donated. If you would consider a donation to our cause, we would really appreciate it. Just click the link to donate. Thank you for all of your support all year long.

Link to DonorsChoose project.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday Memo: Welcome Back and Upcoming Highlights!

Welcome back! We hope that you all had a restful and fulfilling spring break. It is crazy to think that we have about nine weeks left of school. Where did the time go?

On Friday, April 10, there will be a trivia night for students. The information is pictured below.

On April 6, we will be going to the SLU medical labs for our pig heart dissection. The field trip form can be accessed here: Field Trip Form. In addition to the form, we also must have a signed waiver in order for the kids to go. That waiver can be found here.

MAP testing is during the third week of April. We will have more information on the testing later on.

Term 5 ends in about two weeks. Kids should check their grades to make sure they are what the kids expect. Any missing work should be turned in as soon as possible.

20% Time Checkpoint Assignments are due this Friday. This is a rather large grade in science for 20% Time.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Memo: It's Time for Spring Conferences!

This Wednesday and Thursday from 4-8 pm, we will have spring conferences. Almost all of our slots are booked but there may be a few left. Please visit the Conference Link and book one if you'd like. We can also conference through e-mail or over the phone.

Thursday morning, kids will have another opportunity to have school pictures taken. They do not have to but many of the kids would like to have a "spring set" of school pictures. Kids were given envelopes with the picture information.

On Wednesday, there is a math test. Study guides were given out last week. The study guides can also be found on Google Classroom. 

This week is the Hixson Spring Book Fair in the Library Annex. When you come in to have your conference, you can stop by the annex and browse the fair. We are taking kids down to the book fair tomorrow (Tuesday) so they can browse and shop.

Our next field trip is April 6 from 9-11:30. We will be going to the SLU Practical Anatomy Lab. We will send out permission slips and a call for chaperons after spring break. 

Spring Break starts on Friday. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday Memo: Conferences and Grades

This week is a busy one. We will be out of school Tuesday and Wednesday at the RCET Conference presenting about 20% Time. We will be bragging about all of the incredible projects that the kids are creating this year.

Conferences are next Wednesday and Thursday. They are filling up fast. If you still need to sign up, please click this Conference Link.

Please check grades. We have put in several grades over the last week or so and there are many missing assignments. The kids may have the winter blues but they are falling a bit behind.

Next Thursday, another big 20% Time assignment is due. This Checkpoint Assignment was given last week so that the kiddos have plenty of time to complete it.

Have a great week and we'll see you at conferences.