We would like to welcome all of you to the Harmony Team for the 2014-15 school year. We are looking forward to meeting all of you and working with your kiddos this year. One of our points of pride is creating a positive, constructive and collaborative climate on team. Since we are a half team, the kids get to know each other pretty well and we become more of a family than a random group of kids. We will work hard to make sure that your kids have everything they need in order to succeed this year at Hixson.
As you may know, we use technology quite a bit on team and see it as a tool to foster learning. We will be introducing a lot of digital tools and showing the kids how to best use their new laptops within the first few weeks of school. The learning curve is steep but within a couple of months, they will be old pros.
Please subscribe to this blog either through e-mail or your RSS feed. We will be updating the blog a couple times per week and we want to make sure you get the updates to stay current on all of the team happenings. Please feel free to e-mail us at any time if you have questions. We are always available to talk about the kiddos. Welcome and let's have a great year!
By the way, please fill out the Homework for Parents when you have time. Thanks!
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