Friday, September 5, 2014

Keeping Up with the Harmonites!

Melissa and I consider ourselves to be pretty technology-literate when it comes to using tech in school. However, we also realize that there are tons of people who know so much more than we do and so we rely on others to help us be more efficient and effective. During Open House, Mr. Carton had some great suggestions for our blog in order to make it even easier for parent and student. We appreciate his help and have the following suggestions:

1. The Assignment Calendar feed URL for those of you who do not use Google and want to subscribe is I have changed this in the previous Calendar post as well.

2. For those of you who want to subscribe to the RSS feed of the blog, he suggests (a paid service) or (a free service). I use Feedly as my news reader and it is very cool. I went through the process of subscribing to the Harmony Team Blog RSS feed on Feedly and it worked nicely. Here is the process:

- On your computer, go to and sign up for a free account.
- In the search box, type in and Hixson Team Blog should appear as one of the choices. Add that blog and it will appear in your list of feeds on the left hand side of the screen.
- That's it! You've just subscribed to this blog on Feedly.

A big "thank you" to Mr. Carton for his help in improving this blog. As always, leave comments or e-mail if you have suggestions or questions. We are always trying to improve the parent and student experience with our online tools.

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