Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Memo: Student Led Conferences & Idea Showcase

Spring conferences will be student led conferences this year. Conferences will be a half hour long and will be conducted by the students. We teachers will be on hand to answer any questions we can, but the kids will be responsible for highlighting their learning and talking about their grades. A letter which goes into a detailed explanation of student led conferences can be found here (Student led conference link). We will have conference sign-ups like we have in the past and time slots will be publicised in February. There should be ample time slots available. Over the next couple of months, we will be periodically talking to the kids about conferences and preparing them for this experience.

Next Tuesday, February 2, we are out of the building for a Career Fair field trip. We return about 12:30 and we will have lunch on team. Planet Sub orders are due this Friday. For $7.00, kids get an 8" sub, chips, drink and cookie.

On February 16 from 8:45-11:10 in the Hixson Library, we will have our 20% Time Idea Showcase. This is a chance for kids to show the progress they've made on their 20% Time projects. The event is open to all Hixson students and staff as well as district staff, parents and community members. Come by the library to see some amazing projects. We hope many of you are able to attend.

Digital volunteers are needed! As part of our 20% Time projects, kids are keeping blogs. If you have time, please read a couple of the kids' blog posts and leave a comment or two. The blogs can be found on the right-hand side of our 20% Time blog, Kids really light up when they see that they have a real audience. Thanks in advance for taking the time to offer feedback to the kids.

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