Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Summer School Sign-Up!

Signing up for summer school is easy. Just click the link below and fill out the form. Summer school should be a fun and enriching experience for the kiddos this year. Melissa Hellwig is the summer school principal.

Summer School Sign-Up Link

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tune in to Student TED Talks!

Tomorrow, our kiddos will be doing their Student TED Talks. If you are unable to come but still would like to watch, you can tune in to our Google Hangout on Air broadcast. This is our first attempt to broadcast on Google Hangouts so we will see how well it works. If you would like to check it out, here is the link:

Tune in here

If you would like to have an approximate time the your child will be speaking, here is the link:


Last year, TED Talks went more quickly than we had anticipated so plan to tune in earlier than the time on the document. Once one talk is over, we will transition and start the next talk immediately.

If you miss the talks altogether, we will have videos of each talk posted on our blog, Harmonized Learning Blog within the week. Thanks again for all of your support.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Last Day Information (5/21)

Hi Team Harmony Parents,

A few quick reminders for the last day.

1. Money ($21) and permission slip are due by this Friday, May 15th if your child is planning on attending.

2.  All fines need to be paid by the end of the year. Some students have some late book fines but nothing crazy!

3. We will leaving for Sports Fusion at 10:00 on that Thursday, there will be pizza/water for lunch and will return around 2:45.

4.  Students will be dismissed as we arrive back at 2:45.  So your student could be home 30 minutes early that day.

5.  Students may bring money to purchase snacks while they are there too.

6.  Have your student dress appropriately for Sports Fusion. Be comfy!

7.  Students will not need to bring backpacks or anything else on that day.  We will be cleaning out lockers the day before to make sure everything gets home.

8.  If you need permissions slips, they can be found below on the blog.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Melissa & Don

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Its Time for TED Talks!

Friday morning is our time for student TED Talks. We will begin in the auditorium at 9:00 am and are planning to end by noon. The schedule is attached here. As you can see, the talks are scheduled for five minutes each with a one-minute transition time. Last year, every talk did not go the full five minutes so we ran much faster than the schedule showed. Therefore, if you plan to come in to see your kiddo's TED Talk, please show up early in case we are running more quickly than the schedule. The schedule is only an approximation of the time frame the kids will be speaking.

Grades close next Wednesday, May 20. These are final grades.

Here is the information about the last day of school activities. From 11:00 am until 2:00 pm, we will be going to Sports Fusion in Chesterfield. You can see the letter explaining the trip by clicking this link. A copy of the permission slip can be found at this link. The lunch that is provided includes two slices of Papa John's pizza and a bottle of water. Students can opt out of the provided lunch, reducing the cost of the trip by $3.00. There is a snack bar at Sports Fusion where kids can buy food and of course students are welcome to bring their own lunches.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Hixson Middle School Track Day

If you would like to see a few short videos of our Hixson Track Day experience, please click on the link right here. We had a great time and as you can see, the kids showed a LOT of team and school spirit.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Memo: Pizza and Track Day!

Every once in a while, community businesses host fundraisers for Hixson Middle School. On Monday, May 11, Dewey's Pizza in Webster Groves is donating 20% of food and beverage purchases back to Hixson Middle School. The coupon is right here and it is valid from 4pm until 10pm on Monday, May 11. It might be time to plan a night out with the kiddos! Just print out the coupon, show it when you order and enjoy your pizza!

If you are interested in summer school, there is some information available. Please make sure to sign up by May 15. Here is the flier for summer school. Summer School Flier

Here is the information about the last day of school activities. From 11:00 am until 2:00 pm, we will be going to Sports Fusion in Chesterfield. You can see the letter explaining the trip by clicking this link. A copy of the permission slip can be found at this link. The lunch that is provided includes two slices of Papa John's pizza and a bottle of water. Students can opt out of the provided lunch, reducing the cost of the trip by $3.00. There is a snack bar at Sports Fusion where kids can buy food and of course students are welcome to bring their own lunches.

Student TED Talks will be on Friday, May 15 in the Hixson auditorium from 9:00 am until about 12:00 pm. We will have a schedule made soon so that you will know the approximate time frame when each student will be presenting. We are in the process of slotting kids this week. We begin our preparations for the TED Talks today in class. 

Track Day is May 6. This is a longstanding tradition at Hixson Middle School and a whole lot of fun for both students and staff. On May 8, we have a half-day at Hixson. Kids will be dismissed at noon.

We nominated our blog,, for an Educator Commentor / Blogger Bammy Award. If you would like to support our blog for this award, you can vote atthis link.

If you would like to vote for Melissa for a Middle School Teacher award, you can support her here.

If you would like to vote for Don for a Middle School Teacher award, you can support him here

You can vote for one of these or all of these.