Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Memo: Conferences, Orientation and Missing Assignments

Spring Conferences are on March 11-12 from 4pm to 8pm. The link to sign up for conferences is at:

We hope to see many of you during those times. We can also do e-mail or phone conferences if those times prove inconvenient for you. Thanks as always for your active participation and support of your kids' learning.

Tomorrow evening is Incoming 7th Grade Parent Orientation. If any of you have sixth graders, we will see you tomorrow evening if you come to the event. The orientation begins at 6:30 and runs until 8:00.

We are encouraging kids to check their grades as there are a considerable number of missing assignments at this time. You should have already received report cards for Term 4. Thanks for helping the kiddos keep up with their work. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Monday Memo: Printer and Grades

Today was a big day. After printing some of the demo models that were stored in our 3D printer, the kiddos figured out how to create artifacts in TinkerCad, export them in the right format to the XYZ Printer software and print them out. As I write this, a series of stars (a logo for a 20% Time project) is printing. Learning the ins and outs of how the printer works was a great learning experience for the few kids who figured it out. Now it's time for them to teach all of the other kiddos. Already, the kids are clamoring to print artifacts for their projects. This learning is so cool!

This week, grade cards will be mailed out. This is a progress report and signifies the end of Term 4. Today, Term 5 began and many of the kids had a change of electives. While we had warned about missing assignments for the last two weeks, some of the kiddos didn't realize the effect those missing assignments had on their grades. Most of the missing assignments can still be turned in.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Memo: Jets, Grades and Trivia

Tomorrow there is a Jets Pizza fundraiser for Hixson Middle School. 20% of all orders totals, with a coupon that your child received in class, will come back to Hixson. This is a nice twist on 20% Time! :)

This Thursday, grades close. There does not seem to be much urgency on the part of the kids even though many of them are in danger of having failing grades for this report card. We are encouraging the kids daily to check for missing assignments and get them turned in as soon as possible.

The Hixson Trivia Night raised over $6,400.00 on Saturday night. This was an awesome night for the entire Hixson community. Thanks to all who supported our efforts to raise funds for programs at Hixson.

There is no school for kiddos on Friday, February 13 and Monday, February 16. Hopefully everyone will have an awesome four-day weekend.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Our 3D Printer Has Arrived! Thank YOU!

Today our 3D Printer arrived. This is the same printer that you helped us get through our grant. We really appreciate your help in our endeavor. Please stay tuned for pictures of some of the things that the kids create with the printer. This enhanced learning was made possible by everyone who donated and supported our efforts. Let the creating begin!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Memo: Deadlines for Grant and Grades

Our grant is still up and it is mostly funded. We just need a little push to fully fund it. will match any donations (up to 100.00 each) today and tomorrow. If you were considering donating, or know someone who is, please donate today or tomorrow and use the Promo Code SPARK to get the matching funds. We have 321.00 to go, which translates into 160.00 in donations plus the 160.00 in matching funds. We thank you in advance for your support. We already have some projects lined up for the 3D Printer. Here is the link to the grant: Learning in 3D 

This Wednesday, February 4, is the 20% Time Idea Showcase. This is a chance for teachers, students, district staff and community members to see the Harmony students' 20% Time project ideas. It will be held in the Hixson cafeteria from 8:45 am until 10:15 am. We hope to see many of you there.

Grades close next Thursday, February 12. Right now, because many students are missing assignments, grades are lower than they should be. We are encouraging the kids to turn in every missing assignment as soon as possible. If you have a moment, please check the portal. 

The Hixson Trivia Night is this Saturday, February 7. It is a good time and we hope that many community members show up for a fun night. Our Harmony Team is responsible for creating a basket for the silent auction. Our basket theme is "A Family Night In" and we plan to include board games, Redbox gift cards, microwave popcorn, etc. If you would like to donate any of these items, or think of something else, please send them in with your kids this week. We should have our basket completed by the end of the week. Thanks again.

Here is more information.

February 7, 2015

Holy Cross - St. Michael's Campus

7630 Sutherland Ave., 63119

6:00pm - Doors Open

7:00pm - Trivia Begins

$160 for a table with a maximum of 8 participants