Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday Memo: TED Talks and Track Day

We finished MAP testing today during third hour. We asked the kiddos how they felt about the test and they seemed to feel like they were in command during the testing. That is a good sign!

If you are interested in summer school, there is some information available. Please make sure to sign up by May 15. Here is the flier for summer school. Summer School Flier

Here is the information about the last day of school activities. From 11:00 am until 2:00 pm, we will be going to Sports Fusion in Chesterfield. You can see the letter explaining the trip by clicking this link. A copy of the permission slip can be found at this link. The lunch that is provided includes two slices of Papa John's pizza and a bottle of water. Students can opt out of the provided lunch, reducing the cost of the trip by $3.00. There is a snack bar at Sports Fusion where kids can buy food and of course students are welcome to bring their own lunches.

Student TED Talks will be on Friday, May 15 in the Hixson auditorium from 9:00 am until about 12:00 pm. We will have a schedule made soon so that you will know the approximate time frame when each student will be presenting. We are in the process of slotting kids this week. We begin our preparations for the TED Talks today in class. 

Track Day is May 6. This is a longstanding tradition at Hixson Middle School and a whole lot of fun for both students and staff. On May 8, we have a half-day at Hixson. Kids will be dismissed at noon.

We nominated our blog,, for an Educator Commentor / Blogger Bammy Award. If you would like to support our blog for this award, you can vote atthis link.

If you would like to vote for Melissa for a Middle School Teacher award, you can support her here.

If you would like to vote for Don for a Middle School Teacher award, you can support him here

You can vote for one of these or all of these. 

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