Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Memo: Conferences and Field Trip

During the week of March 7, we will conduct parent conferences here at Hixson. This year, we will run student-led conferences. We will have four conferences running simultaneously and each conference will last thirty minutes. This conference will give you a good picture of your child's learning this year. Since we will have four conferences going on at the same time, it is only necessary to sign up for ONE conference strand (A, B, C, or D). We should have enough conference slots so that all parents can have a conference. The link to sign up for conferences is here. Please just sign up for Harmony Team "A" or "B" or "C" or "D". We look forward to seeing you during your conference.

Permission slips for the pig dissection field trip on March 23 are HERE. Please open the forms, print them and sign all of them before turning them in. The trip will be from 9-11 am and if any parents are interested in chaperoning, please let us know. Please do not send forms or money to school until Thursday of this week at the earliest.

This week, Melissa and I will be presenting about "20% Time" at the RCET Southwest Regional Technology Conference in Springfield, MO. There will be substitutes in both of our classes on Tuesday and Wednesday. We have coached the kids on behavior and hopefully they will rise to the expectation. There will be no morning or afternoon study sessions for the kids on Tuesday or Wednesday.

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